Saturday, October 5, 2024


22 optimistic Burghley seniors set off on Monday 30th September to beautiful Breadsall, near Derby, to enjoy its fine Marriott Hotel hospitality and two excellent golf courses, last visited by the Seniors in 2017under the captaincy of Alan Gray.


The hospitality and food and drink were indeed fine, and the staff were most obliging, but sadly the weather didn’t play ball. Day one was a total washout, both courses closed; day two saw the Moorland course opened but with restrictions (no bunkers, no buggies). Seven teams of three set off in pouring rain, which became lighter rain and a freezing north-easterly half-gale, but everyone finished and some reported surprisingly reasonable scores. I enjoyed the company, but I can’t say I enjoyed the golf.

                                         The Old Fossil Trophy Winners with - 79Pts

                                                       Alan Kinch, Janet Duff & David Devlin


                                                                            2nd with - 78 Pts

                                                  Joan Hickman, Peter Hickman & Paul Coates

                                                                      3rd with - 71 Pts

                                         Bob Pimlott, Anne Harrison-Smith & Gorge Clayton-Jones

Janet Devlin won the 6th hole NTP by a whisker from Marilyn, and the Hickmans together topped up their wine cellar with the other three NTP prizes. I’m not sure who won the picture quiz, but the chocolates were awarded and shared out.


On Wednesday, our planned outing on the Priory course was scuppered by its closure again, but four hardy survivors from Tuesday had a fourball on the Moorland in mostly dry but chilly conditions.


It’s a lovely venue, or would be in good weather. I had visited to check it out in July, and it poured with rain that day. If you’re thinking of booking a holiday in Englandcheck with me first, then don’t pick the same dates as I do!

