Monday, November 13, 2023



Having moved the away trip from mid-summer to October to get better rates, it was with some trepidation that I headed off to Wensum Valley a day early to check the venue.

That night we had the most tremendous thunderstorm and torrential rain, what had I done!!!

However, Tuesday arrived overcast but fine, as players and non-players began to arrive at the hotel for day one of the golfing challenge that was the “away trip” 2023. 

The first round on the valleys course for those who could make it was a practice day before the main event.

By dinner all had arrived, Janet and Keith Duff very kindly volunteered to organize the draw for the next days OLD FOSSILS TROPHY Tournament following the meal. Players were issued with their tournament caps so all was set for the battle to come.

Wednesday dawned, dry but cool with the promise of sun to come.

After a substantial breakfast teams prepared to do battle. 

The course provided a reasonable challenge for all and played well with the exception of the greens which were very disappointing, I think we were just unlucky as they had clearly been worked on but not completed.

The weather improved and the sun did shine and some golf was played.


Everyone enjoyed a convivial presentation dinner with lots of fun and animated conversation and banter.


Prizes were then presented.

The team event was a very close contest going down to a count back to decide the winners.



Winners on c/b of the Old Fossils Trophy: Vivienne Swift, 
George C-J & Mark Hotchkin.


2nd place: Lindsey Freeman, Keith Duff & Marilyn Marriott

3rd place on c/b: Michael Marriott, Joan Hickman 
& David Newell

Nearest the pin went to Janet Duff (bottle kindly donated by George C-J big thank you)

Longest drive: Peter Hickman (who celebrated his **birthday a couple of days later)


Congratulations to all.


Thursday saw a depleted number of hardy golfers taking on the challenge of the Wensum course, reputed to be a real test with tricky water holes. The first 10 holes showed nothing unduly difficult, however 11- 15 descended into the valley with water everywhere you looked, and the course showed its teeth, those who emerged from this unscathed finish with a standard final 2 holes.


After a final cup of tea and a sandwich everyone returned home, tired but happy to have enjoyed a few days of golf and companionship. Thankfully the weather was kind and hopefully an occasion enjoyed by all who participated.

Monday, November 6, 2023


Today 35 senior members enjoyed playing a 9 hole Lincolnshire Lottery fun competition. 

Chris Clarke, Janet Metcalfe, Mark
Hotchkin (Captain) and Roger Metcalfe

In first place Roger Metcalfe, Janet Metcalfe and Chris Clarke with 38 points on c/b
Second place Anne Fensom, Mark Hotchkin and Tony Chick with 38 points 
Third place Anne Harrison Smith, Alan Kinch and Paul Coates with 36 points on c/b